Putin Pushes To Collapse US Dollar In 28 May 2016 ! – Claims Russia Will Never Become A NWO Cashless Society
Amber William
March 27, 2016
his collapse will be global and it will bring down not only the dollar but all other fiat currencies,as they are fundamentally no different. The collapse of currencies will lead to the collapse of ALL paper assets. The repercussions to this will have incredible results worldwide.
Over the past few years, many experts have been warning of a crisis heading our way. More specifically, the concerns have centered on the inevitable collapse of the U.S. dollar. Who has stated that he believes the U.S. financial system is on the road to disaster. Why are they panicking? Well, the short answer is that monetary stimulus is nearly at an end. But what does that mean for U.S. stock markets? Does it necessarily signal a U.S. dollar collapse in 2016? The answers are far from clear, but there are legitimate fears of an economic collapse. At the very least, a stock market crash is virtually guaranteed. Consider this; at the same time the Federal Reserve is wrapping up its monetary stimulus, we’re seeing a massive reordering of global power.
China has evolved from being a regional power to a heavyweight on the international stage. As Financial System Russia successfully annexed Crimea and Eastern Ukraine without any practical opposition from the West, and Iran has been admitted back into the community of nations. The world has changed a lot in a surprisingly short while. We’re no longer living in a unipolar world where America could singlehandedly dictate terms to everybody else. These days China, Russia, Germany, Iran, and Saudi Arabia are powerful geopolitical forces in their own right. As political power redistributes to these countries, so too will capital flows. The U.S. dollar will be brought down from its pedestal and be measured alongside the yuan and the ruble. That much is clear. Putin Pushes To Collapse US Dollar In 28 May 2016 ! This collapse will be global and it will bring down not only the dollar but all other fiat currencies,as they are fundamentally no different. The collapse of currencies will lead to the collapse of ALL paper assets. The repercussions to this will have incredible results worldwide.
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