Criminal Bankers Control US Government Push War-Paul Craig Roberts…”The banks control the government. There isn’t a government, there’s the banks”
By Greg Hunter
March 27, 2016
Former Assistant Treasury Secretary in the Reagan Administration, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, contends it is no accident why bankers do not get jail time for constantly committing fraud by stealing documents and committing fraudulent, criminal insider trading and market manipulations. Dr. Roberts explains, “Look at Edward Snowden and Julian Assange. They claim they stole documents, and we are determined to destroy them. One of them is hiding out in Russia, and one of them is hiding out in the Ecuadorian embassy in London. This again shows the immunity of the banks. They are not held accountable because they are in control. Who controls the Fed? Who controls the Treasury? Where do all the Treasury Secretaries come from? They come from the big New York banks. Look at the financial regulatory agencies that are supposed to be regulating the banks. They are filled with executives from the banks. The banks control the government. There isn’t a government, there’s the banks. . . . We have the entire economic policy in the United States concentrating on saving five banks. We had 10 million people who lost their homes, and nothing was done for them, but five banks are saved.”
On the 2016 election, Dr. Roberts says, “The United States is controlled by powerful private interests groups, and these groups don’t trust outsiders because they don’t have their hooks in them. How would they have their hooks in Trump? He’s a billionaire. He doesn’t need their money. They can’t tell Trump, hey, look we will give you a $153 million in speaking fees like we did Bill and Hillary Clinton. He doesn’t care. He doesn’t need $153 million. He’s got billions. So, they can’t control him, and it’s the same for Bernie Sanders, even though he is a Democratic Senator. He is not really part of the Washington Democratic establishment. What the establishment is interested in doing is to control the party. They would much rather keep control of the party than to win an election if it means they lose control to an outsider.”
Dr. Roberts goes on to say, “Even if Trump were to be permitted to be President, and I don’t think he will be permitted, I think they will do the same thing they did with Ron Paul. They just won’t recognize his delegates. The Neoconservatives are already organizing a way to block Trump when he wins the nomination from being given the nomination. . . .There is an oligarchy. The oligarchy protects itself and hides behind the elections, but it controls the candidates. This time, it hasn’t been able to control the candidates because the American people are finally catching on that neither political party represents them.”
Dr. Roberts has a new book out titled “The Neoconservative Threat To World Order.” In it, he talks about the dreadful shape of the global economy and how war might be forced on the world. Dr. Roberts says, “The Neoconservative ideology is American world hegemony . . . this means you have to subdue the others, and this includes Russia and China. These are two nuclear powers with massive military capabilities, and they are in the way of the Neoconservative agenda of World Empire . . . . So, the Neoconservatives are driving the United States and Western Europe into conflict with Russia and China. Russia and China are not going to give up and be American vassals. . . . Our economy is a house of cards. It’s held up by the Federal Reserve. The question is how long can they hold it up? . . . There is no way around the coming war unless the American empire begins unraveling, which it could do.”
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, author of the new book “The Neoconservative Threat To World Order.”