Atlanta Radio Host: Source “Deep Inside” Cruz Camp Says Ted May Have Had Affairs
Jim Hoft
Mar 27th, 2016
The National Enquirer published a story this week accusing Texas Senator Ted Cruz of multiple extramarital affairs.
On Friday Ted Cruz blamed Donald Trump and his former consultant Roger Stone for the National Enquirer article on his alleged extramarital affairs.
Ted Cruz Cruz told reporters in Wisconsin the story was “all lies.” Cruz then went on to blame the article on Donald Trump and his “henchmen.” Cruz argued Roger Stone has been forwarding the article today on the internet. He thinks Trump campaign is behind this story. Cruz also said the publisher of the National Enquirer is a friend of Donald Trump’s.
But these rumors did not start with Donald Trump.
And the rumors did not start with Roger Stone.
** The rumors were started by the Rubio Campaign and anti-Trump GOP elites.
Now this-
Atlanta radio host Bryan Crabtree says a source “deep inside” the Cruz campaign said Ted may have had affairs.
The Rest…HERE