Now the RUBIO camp is implicated in Cruz’s alleged sex scandal: Rumors of FIVE affairs ‘came from an ally of defeated rival,’ claims report as Trump taunts his rival on Twitter
The National Enquirer published a story that claims that Ted Cruz cheated with five women – which he denies
The story ‘came from a Marco Rubio ally’ and not Donald Trump’s camp, according to Breitbart News, who turned down the lead
It said Cruz was unfaithful with a ‘hot babe’, a ‘sexy schoolteacher’, a ‘foxy political consultant’, a ‘pretty lawyer’ – and a $1,000 a night prostitute
It was initially believed the rumor came from Trump, who has threatened Cruz with ‘spilling the beans’ on his wife, Heidi Cruz
Then Cruz accused Trump of ‘rat copulation’ and posted a message on Facebook blaming Donald Trump and his ‘henchmen’ for the claims
Trump hit back saying he ‘hoped’ story was untrue and he had nothing to do with Enquirer but added: ‘They were right about John Edwards’
National Enquirer denied being influenced by any candidates in ‘unflinching’ reporting
Later in the afternoon Cruz and Trump attacked each other’s mental health
By Nikki Schwab, U.s. Political Reporter
26 March 2016
Rumors surrounding Ted Cruz and allegations he cheated on his wife with five women are believed to have steamed from Marco Rubio’s camp – not Donald Trump’s, as initially believed.
‘For months and months, anti-Cruz operatives have pitched a variety of #CruzSexScandal stories to a host of prominent national publications,’ The Daily Beast has reported.
Breitbart News claims it was one of those outlets that was pitched a ‘Cruz Sex Scandal’ story.
The news site said the pitch came from a video peddled by a ‘Rubio ally’.
The video shows ‘a compilation video of Cruz and a woman other than his wife coming out of the Capitol Grille restaurant and a hotel on Tuesdays and Thursdays’, according to The Daily Beast.
In the end Breitbart News turned the story down because ‘there was no way to verify the claims’.
However, the video was enough for Nation Enquirer to run with it.
Cruz believed it was Donald Trump and his ‘henchmen’ who were spreading a smear, prompting a scathing response from the Republican frontrunner.
Cruz publicly denied cheating on his wife Heidi with five woman – described in the National Enquirer as including a ‘hot babe’ and a ‘$1,000 a night call girl’.
The Rest…HERE