Left behind: U.S. government denies justice for Marine families whose lives were ruined at contaminated Camp Lejeune…(Stationed There Twice)
by: L.J. Devon
Friday, March 25, 2016
Cancer-causing pollution at a US Marine base shows that chemical manufacturing is being done without any human safety precautions or long-term epidemiological studies. It’s the norm in America to manufacture a chemical first, dump it into the land and then see how it affects people over time. All for the sake of advancing industry, we disregard one another’s health. What’s even sadder is that courts may often side with chemical manufacturers even after they have ruined the lives of people living in a contaminated area.
Isn’t it sad to think that families of US Marines were subjected to carcinogenic solvents on a military camp of all places? Even worse — these people have been denied justice because of a controversial Supreme Court ruling.
CTS Corporation let off the hook after haphazardly poisoning families with trichloroethylene for years
The Rest…HERE
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/053424_carcinogenic_pollution_Camp_Lejune_US_government.html#ixzz43w6O2Q8d