Belgium turns on immigrants after Brussels bloodbath as membership of far-right ‘White Power’ group DOUBLES in three days
Right-wing extremist groups grow in Belgium after Brussels bombings
Belgian White Power group says membership has ‘rocketed’ this week
Support for anti-Islam party Vlaams Belang surge on social networks
By Jake Wallis Simons In Brussels, Belgium
25 March 2016
Belgium has turned on immigrants in the wake of the Brussels terror attack as far-right skinhead groups are experiencing a surge in popularity, promising ‘drastic action’ in the aftermath of the atrocities.
Voorpost, a Belgian White Power organisation that is being closely monitored by security services, says its membership has rocketed following the carnage.
‘A huge number of people have started supporting us online. We have had more than double the number of new members in the last three days,’ Bart Vanpachtenbeke, the leader of the organisation, told MailOnline.
‘There is anger in Brussels now. I think there are dark times coming. We can’t give any information, but we are planning a lot of new protests. There is a lot of drastic action, a lot of noise coming.’
Security services believe there is a real risk of violence coming from the nationalist gang.
‘Intelligence agencies are concerned about Voorpost’s capacity for violent action,’ said Vidhya Ramalingham, fellow at the German Institute on Radicalisation and De-radicalisation Studies.
‘They are carefully monitoring members of the organisation. The numbers are far smaller than in radical Islam, but there is a serious threat.’
Other populist organisations have also reported a dramatic spike in support after the attacks. Tom Van Grieken, leader of the anti-Islam Vlaams Belang party – Belgian equivalent of France’s Front National – told MailOnline that his party’s Facebook page gained 10,000 new likes overnight.
Some of his online posts warning of the dangers of radical Islam, he added, have been shared more than four million times.
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