Dying veterans received saline drips while VA hospital staff stole their morphine
by: PF Louis
Thursday, March 24, 2016
What a time for the VA to have a drug theft story come out that leaves veterans without treatment. Media reports of high level corruption among top VA bureaucrats along with trashing applications have become common. To be fair, drug theft from hospital pharmacies is on the rise throughout our “healthcare” system.
The VA hospital that had its hospice morphine stolen often over a one-year period or more is the Albany Stratton VA Hospital in Albany, the state capitol of New York. Hospice is where terminally ill or aging individuals are sent to die in peace, supposedly.
According to the 28-year-veteran whistleblowing nurse Valerie Riviello, “A nurse taking care of hospice patients over the past year had been diverting vials of morphine. Those patients that were dying in hospice were not getting their intended pain medication.”
Nurse Riviello explained how a nurse in charge of hospice patients was able to use a code to remove morphine from a dispensing machine legitimately without upsetting the records of how much was removed. But those vials of morphine taken from the machine were replaced by saline solutions.
So instead of receiving their morphine to be pain free, the Albany VA hospice people were getting IV saline, a .9 percent salt-in-water solution that approximates seawater and is intended for reducing dehydration, raising blood volume, overcoming negative clinical responses from anesthesia, and sometimes even for chronic fatigue. Those are surprising benefits from saline IVs!
According to Valerie, the worst part of this tale is that management didn’t know the thefts were taking place for close to a year, and the discovery of morphine thefts was not reported to officials higher up in the VA system. Meanwhile, where did the morphine go?
Are the VA staff a bunch of stoners, or was someone involved as a distributor for black market pharmaceutical street sales?
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