Divide and Conquer 101: America is Being Destabilized from Within
What should be ridiculously obvious to any “informed” objective observer, is that events that were predicted decades ago are playing out to the tee right in front of us with each passing day. The key word in that previous sentence being “informed,” but sadly, 99% of Americans have no clue how our system of government is supposed to work, much less have any clue about what is actually transpiring. Part of that can be blamed on an awful education system, part on a dishonest media.
If it’s not clear by now to Americans, it really should be, that the entire mainstream media is owned by a very small few of the global elites at the top. Said another way, those who own Fox News are not that different from those who own CNN or MSNBC. They might appear different when you watch content on each channel, but that’s the idea. Regardless of the source of the “news,” what both sides fail to realize is that the information they are getting is mostly half-truths, with a surplus of information and context missing or unreported on… mostly unreported.
In reality, the ownership interests and agendas of the mainstream media are far more connected behind the scenes. Billionaires have a lot more in common with each other than they do with the masses; and while infighting might occur, they usually stick together when push comes to shove.
The Rest…HERE