Police find BOMB, Islamic State flag and chemicals in raid on Brussels terror district where Paris explosives mastermind lived
Police have found a bomb, chemicals and an ISIS flag during a raid
Paris terror suspect Salah Abdeslam was arrested on Friday in Molenbeek
The suburb of Brussels has been considered a jihadi hotbed for some time
New pictures emerge of another suspect captured during the police raids
He is seen being dragged to the ground by security forces during the raid
The suburb of Molenbeek is now considered a cradle of European jihadism
22 March 2016
Police have discovered a nail bomb, chemicals and an Islamic State flag during a raid in a Brussels terror district just hours after a series of blasts killed 34 people in the capital.
The disturbing discovery was made during searches in Schaerbeek, north-east Brussels, this evening.
‘The searches that took place in the Schaerbeek (district) found an explosive device containing among other things nails,’ the federal prosecutor said in a statement.
‘Investigators also discovered chemicals and a flag of the Islamic State,’ the statement added.
Paris terror suspect Salah Abdeslam is believed to have been holed up in an apartment in Schaerbeek for three weeks after the massacre in France.
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