From Benghazi to Belgium, Clinton Has Blood On Her Hands- Show This to a Clinton Supporter

Tuesday, March 22, 2016
By Paul Martin

Dave Hodges
22 Mar, 2016

Did you know that Senator Lindsay Graham, a Republican from South Carolina, told fellow Republicans to vote for Hillary Clinton before voting for Donald Trump? Is he out of his mind. Actually, he is, but that is another story for another time. Hillary Clinton is one of the most infamous figures in American history. She has a trail of bodies and corruption longer than any other politician in the history of the United States.

The following is a list of documentable legal transgressions by Hillary Clinton. When the reader has satisfied themselves that the allegations are in fact true, then I would ask that you would take this article and circulate it far and wide. We can never allow Hillary to set foot in the Oval office as the President of the United States.

As the nation’s media is consumed with disparaging Donald Trump at every turn. Let’s take a look at the true Hillary Clinton, the Democratic alternative.

America is facing unprecedented challenges and when one surveys the field of presidential candidates and we are forced to say that Donald Trump is our best candidate, it is safe to say that things could not be much worse. American is truly about to learn the meaning of the term “choosing between the lesser of two evils” and Hillary Clinton is as evil as they come.

Ron Paul Fears Hillary

Ron Paul fears a Clinton presidency more than anything else. Ron Paul called Hillary Clinton pro-Fed and pro-War, and these two traits may represent her strong points.

With the country poised to go to war over Ukraine, Syria or North Korea, Hillary Clinton cannot be allowed to enter into the decision making in this frightening series of events or any other crises for that matter. A Hillary Clinton presidency would spell the sudden and decisive doom for this country. Is she worse than Obama? Undoubtedly, she would prove worse for the country than even the current President.

The Clinton Body Count

In every scandal that she has been a part of, the body count skyrockets, far beyond the normal actuaries of mortality. Nothing sticks to this woman. If Hillary ever becomes President, history has shown that she is capable of the greatest reign of terror ever perpetrated by a sitting President. Warmongers like John McCain are doing their best to lead the US into World War III on behalf of the globalist bankers in Ukraine. After reading the following, even an Obama phone recipient would be hard pressed to throw their blind support behind Hillary Clinton.

The Rest…HERE

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