Mar. 21, 2016
Awhile back, a highly respected security expert was recently approached by a DHS informant who told him that DHS is preparing for Civil War due to a collapse of the dollar, hyperinflation, and the resulting chaos that they expect to happen as a result.
The thing that surprised me is, frankly, why anyone was surprised about it.
One one hand, the economic collapse in one form or another has been in process for several decades and it’s been the subject of novels and fiction for at least 2 decades. Over the last few years, economic collapse has changed from being a fringe concept to being mainstream and generally accepted that some sort of crash is going to happen. The main question is how bad it will be, how long it will last, and how it will play out.
On the other hand, since millions of preppers, including current and former military, law enforcement, and government employees are preparing their families for financial turmoil and breakdowns in civil order, why wouldn’t we EXPECT federal agencies to do the same?
And this isn’t a new thing. I’ve worked with guys who have done Red Cell wargaming since 9/11 and controlling the population and the psyche of the population in the event of a terrorist attack, natural disaster, or economic disaster is ALWAYS one of the factors that has to be taken into account.
When you see that unknown economic turmoil is on the horizon, one of the things that you want to game out is what your family would do in the event of civil disorder/civil war. In fact, this is one of the things that I strongly encourage people to check The Lost Ways.
Don’t get me wrong…I don’t get warm fuzzies about any top-down bureaucracy preparing for civil war in my backyard. I’d much rather it was local people and local agencies who actually know and live among their population rather than someone sitting behind a desk a couple thousand miles away creating centralized one-size-fits-all policy for the whole country.
At the same time, while I can’t flip a switch and do anything to change what DHS is or is not doing, I CAN flip a switch right now and make positive changes in my life and the lives of my family that will help make us more resilient in the event of natural disasters, manmade disasters, and economic disasters.
This is a VERY important point that I want you to understand and encourage you to embrace…there are things that are within your realm of control right now and many things that are NOT within your realm of control. You will probably never be able to do anything but prepare for and react to the things that are not within your realm of control.
The Rest…HERE