Trump Beefs Up Security At Rallies As Violence, Protests Escalate
by Tyler Durden
Over the weekend, we witnessed what was perhaps the most surreal incident to occur at a Trump rally yet when a protester, dressed in an American flag shirt and donning a KKK hood was punched and then repeatedly kicked by a black Trump supporter who apparently did not appreciate the implication that some folks in the African American community were inadvertently cheering for a fascist bigot.
There was a time not so long ago when the protests at Trump rallies were limited to a handful of people waving signs along the back wall or to a few rabble-rousers who managed to sneak their way in amongst the billionaire’s ardent supporters only to be escorted out once they started “trouble.” Trump loved it. His go-to line: “We love protesters; it’s the only way the cameras will turn away from me and show how big our crowds are!”).
But that’s all changed since a rally in Chicago was cancelled after thousands of protesters showed up. Trump’s crowds are still large (and they’ll probably get larger) but the protests have gone from handfuls of individuals each intent on being the lone voice of “reason” in a crowd full of what they believe are followers entranced by a demagogue, to organized groups hell bent on derailing the Trump campaign and sending a message to the country (and the world for that matter) that the billionaire doesn’t represent the views of most Americans.
As is clear from the indelible image shown above, this is causing problems. Trump’s supporters believe they should be free to hear their candidate speak without throngs of obnoxious, sign-waving liberals trampling the billionaire’s First Amendment rights while the protesters accuse Trump of hate speech and inciting riots. Of course there wouldn’t be any riots if the protesters weren’t there shouting in the first place, but to that charge they assert their own First Amendment rights.
The Rest…HERE