If you or a loved one is taking Prozac, consider switching to cashews instead (yes, cashews!)
by: J. D. Heyes
Monday, March 21, 2016
Mood- and mind-altering drugs that ostensibly “treat” depression are often just triggers for violent behavior, as we have seen repeatedly in the past. As documented by the website Psych Drug Shooters, the vast majority of mass murderers since the “Prozac boom” have been on these mood-altering, psychosis-inducing medications.
The good news is, there is a natural alternative for these dangerous psychotropic meds if you’re trying to battle depression: cashew nuts.
Yes, that’s right, a couple handfuls of cashews works like a prescription dose of Prozac, according to the Family Health Freedom Network, citing some of the latest research.
“Cashews are high in tryptophan, which the body turns into serotonin. Serotonin is responsible for mood regulation, healthy sleep and even sexual desire in the body,” the site reported.
“Increasing your tryptophan intake by consuming whole, natural cashews sounds like an excellent alternative to prescription drugs any day. They also provide a host of other benefits to the body as well, from your cardiovascular health to your digestive system.”
Health Tips Spot reported further that the cashew nut is also one of the world’s healthiest foods, though only a small percentage of the natural medicines database is focused on cashew benefits research.
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