End The Election Process and Begin Martial Law Are Goals of Soros’ Democracy Spring (Video)
UNDERSTAND SOMETHING: One Former Federal Prosecutor Has Already Said Obama Plans to Incite Race War This Summer, and it’s looking more and more Like President Barack Obama May Suspend 2016 Presidential Elections… The sooner those carrying on and breaking the law realize that is bad for EVERYONE… the better chance we have at turning our efforts toward the REAL problem!
GrandMageri422 writes:
Will the “Democracy Spring” which George Soros and his moveon.org clan have named the protest, keep escalating and become more and more violent, to the point of Obama instating Martial Law and shutting down the elections?
This is the question in the minds of many people. Everything is calculated with this administration. I’m certain that Obama and Soros have had many meetings about the strategy of these non- peaceful protests . The Constitution ensures that people may peacefully gather to protest – it is part of our First Amendment right. But blocking main roads to a political event is not considered “Peaceful.”
Think about it; it’s only March. If this “Democracy Spring” continues and becomes violent, I can see the White House stating that Martial Law must be called, and that elections at this time are not in the best interest of Americans.
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