Monsanto suffers week of devastating defeats as lawmakers back away from biotech influence and intimidation
by: Julie Wilson
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Monsanto may hold a near-monopoly on the world’s seed supply, but it cannot control the minds, hearts and voices of those who support and demand clean, healthy and non-toxic food. Advocates have increasingly consolidated to create a powerful health food movement that’s gained so much momentum it is now deemed unstoppable.
This doesn’t bode well for seed companies dependent on crops laced with foreign DNA and coupled with noxious herbicides. Thanks to the tireless work of food and health activists, bloggers and the indie media, the public is no longer in the dark about the health and environmental dangers of GMOs – and there is no reversing that opinion.
Americans have shown overwhelming support for GMO-labeling, a position reflected in the U.S. Senate yesterday after it blocked a controversial, anti-consumer bill that would have preempted states’ rights to pass GMO-labeling laws, as well as reverse existing legislation, such as that in Vermont, which is set to go into effect July 1, 2016.
Senate ignores push to ban GMO-labeling
The Rest…HERE