MarketWatch can report market-rigging rumor, so why not market-rigging fact?
By: Chris Powell, Secretary/Treasurer, GATA
Sunday, 20 March 2016
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
MarketWatch tonight produces a true wonder of financial journalism. It’s a story acknowledging a rumor about “conspiracy theory” involving central banks, a rumor that MarketWatch blithely declines to investigate by questioning any central banker.
The rumor — speculation, really — is that, far from being a failure, the G-20 conference in Shanghai in February reached a secret agreement to reduce the U.S. dollar’s value in the currency markets.
It’s plausible, but note how the MarketWatch report takes for granted that central banks are willing and able to rig markets in secret, how the report assumes that this is the natural order of things and not even worth questioning.
So why do MarketWatch and all other mainstream financial news organizations refuse to report that central banks long have been surreptitiously rigging the gold market as the prerequisite for all their market rigging, even though documentation and admissions of gold market rigging abound?:
The Rest…HERE