Earth set for its closest brush with a comet in centuries: Monday will see TWO bodies swerve close to Earth
Comet 252P/LINEAR will pass Earth on March 21 at around 5:14 a.m. (PDT)
This is followed by comet P/2016 BA14 on March 22 at around 7:30 a.m.
Second comet will fly by 2.2 million miles, third closest in recorded history
19 March 2016
Early next week, Earth will have one of the closet encounters ever recorded with a passing comet.
Two twin-like emerald comets will fly by the home planet at a safe distance, with the first occurring on Monday March 21, and the second passing by the following day.
Nasa astronomers say these two objects will come ‘remarkably close,’ with the latter comet approaching 2.2 million miles from Earth, the third closest flyby in recorded history.
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