DONALD TRUMP WILL BE OUR NEXT PRESIDENT…”In 2014, Cruz became a “naturalized” citizen. This is further proof he is not a “natural born citizen.” Cruz knows he is not eligible to be president. So he lies about it.”

Saturday, March 19, 2016
By Paul Martin

By Dr. Ed Berry, PhD, Physics
March 19, 2016

On March 15, Donald Trump won 5 states. Cruz won zip. Here are the delegates to date:

After losing his home state of Florida, Marco Rubio dropped out.

Kasich barely won his home state of Ohio only because Rubio and Cruz told their supporters to vote for Kasich. Kasich should drop out.

Here’s the summary.

For Kasich to get 1237 delegates, he needs to win 106 percent of the remaining delegates. That can’t happen.

For Cruz to get 1237 delegates, he needs to win 79 percent of the remaining delegates. That won’t happen.

For Trump to get 1237 delegates, he needs to win 53 percent of the remaining delegates. That will happen.

Here’s why Trump will get over 1237 delegates.

The March 13 poll shows Trump’s national popularity rose from 40% a month ago to 53% today.

Trump gained popularity while the GOP elite tried to take him down. Trump gained support while the media blamed the Soros-funded Democratic riots, in Chicago, Dayton, and Kansas City, on Trump.

The Rest…HERE

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