The Gloves Are Off: Trump Accuses Hillary Of Being “Involved In Corruption For Most Of Her Professional Life”
by Tyler Durden
It’s popcorn time.
Barely 24 hours after Trump launched his first Hillary attack ad in which he showed a laughing Putin respond to a barking Hillary, and shortly after Hillary’s SuperPAC responded in kind with an ad of its own in which it used a Trump quote to mock him, the gloves are officially off, and now that both presidential candidates – both convinced they will face off against each other – are beyond the foreplay stage, the gloves have come off and the direct attacks are escalating rapidly.
So rapidly, in fact, that one may say Trump is risking a potential lawsuit with the following accusation (which, however, should not be too difficult to prove should one of Hillary’s SuperPACs sue him for libel).
This is what Trump tweeted moments ago.
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