The Deliberate Teaching of Hate to Incite Racial Warfare
MARCH 18, 2016
The racial rhetoric in this country has really gotten out of hand. Barack Obama has successfully convinced generations of blacks that they are oppressed victims in a system designed exclusively for white people, while simultaneously excusing their violent behavior as being justified because of this alleged oppression. Our colleges are deliberately pushing this racial strife in order to cause chaos, and the useful idiots of the day are falling right in line. The more they teach this supposed “white privilege” concept, the closer this country comes to an all out race war. Many suspect this is exactly what Obama wants. White privilege education is causing a seething hatred towards people of caucasian ethnicity and our constitutional system of government to the point where blacks are actually calling for the extermination of white people. A video has surfaced from Harvard University where a black student openly calls for the death of white people while also claiming that whites have no right to place value on their own lives. This is all being done deliberately to bring America crashing to her knees in preparation for a leftist takeover. Those responsible are the college professors pushing the divisive language and the government who sits back and allows it to happen. The phone number to the President of Harvard is 617-495-1502, incidentally.
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