Getting Higher: Congress Admits US Lost Drug War in Afghanistan…(CIA Needs Their Money!)

Friday, March 18, 2016
By Paul Martin

During recent Congressional hearings in Washington Pentagon officials faced tough questions about progress made in America’s so-called war on drugs in Afghanistan. It appeared that opium production there had spiked since the Taliban left, after billions of dollars spent on counter-narcotics, Reason magazine wrote.

“The war on drugs in Afghanistan, to the extent there is a war on drugs, has been a failure,” Republican Congressman Thomas Massie concluded after pressing witnesses from the Department of Defense on what kind of metrics they use to gauge success in their counternarcotic efforts in Afghanistan.

According to General John Sopko, the special inspector general for Afghanistan reconstruction, the United States has spent $113 billion in Afghanistan since 2002, to train and arm Afghan National Security Forces seen by many US military experts as highly inefficient and to promote good governance.

Sopko said that despite 8.4 billion of those dollars spent on counternarcotics efforts specifically, Afghan farmers were producing more opium “now than they did during the Taliban years.”

The Rest…HERE

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