Day Of Reckoning Looms…”We all live under a death sentence. Markets… societies… and our very lives must follow an unstoppable pattern.”
by Bill Bonner of Bonner & Partners
Bigger Than a Bear Market
A dear reader wrote in to complain that the Dow was up some 1,500 points since he acted on our gloomy view… and sold out of the market. But we hold to our opinion: This ship is sinking.
As an investor, you face two kinds of risk: the risk of missing out on gains and the risk of taking losses. It’s up to you whether you continue to bet on rising U.S. stocks. But our view is you will be glad you got out when you did.
We all live under a death sentence. Markets… societies… and our very lives must follow an unstoppable pattern. We breathe in… and then we breathe out. We are born… and every mother’s son ever born from the beginning of time until today is programmed for death. Every ship ever built is destined for the bottom of the sea… or the scrap yard.
Up, down… in, out… expansion, contraction. Hey, don’t blame us! We didn’t invent it. That’s just the way it is. And since that is the way it is: Vive la mort! We don’t necessarily want it. But since it is inevitable, we will look forward to it, like a pair of new boots yearning for mud. There are times to go forward… and times to back up. There are times to buy. And there are times to refrain from embracing stocks. This is one of those times.
The Fed has stood pat on rates since December. But the Japanese, the Chinese, and the Europeans have continued to try to goose up their economies with increasingly crackpot monetary policies. Much of the money thus created has found its way into U.S. markets… which probably explains the refusal of the Dow to go down.
Day of Reckoning
The Rest…HERE