The complete history of Monsanto; the world’s most EVIL corporation staffed by society’s most hate-filled people
by Mike Adams
Thursday, March 17, 2016
How much do you really know about Monsanto beyond the fact that the corporation is extremely evil? Most people’s knowledge of Monsanto barely scratches the surface. Monsanto is far more than just a dangerous threat to humanity that profits from weedkiller chemicals linked to cancer; it’s also the same entity that gave rise to Agent Orange, saccharin, aspartame, deadly PCBs and pesticides with dioxins.
The entire history of Monsanto has been one of creating deadly, toxic chemicals that devastate human populations and then lying about their toxicity (while profiting from their widespread use that poisons the planet). There is no single greater chemical threat to humanity that exists on this planet right now than the Monsanto corporation, and its chemical poisons are faithfully mirrored by the poisonous personalities and sleaze tactics of its attack dogs who troll the internet to discredit all scientists and activists that oppose Monsanto’s “chemical domination” agenda. (Much of Wikipedia is now run by biotech trolls, by the way, who specialize in internet disinfo terrorism tactics like the hit piece recently waged against GM Watch.)
A website called The Last American Vagabond has published a comprehensive history of Monsanto, and it’s so good that I’m reprinting some of it here (while encouraging you to see the full article there).
The Rest…HERE