Sworn Officers Chose the United Nations Over the US Constitution, then Murdered LeVoy Finicum
By James White
March 17, 2016
Documents surface with staggering proof that the LeVoy Finicum shooting was guided by the dark light of the U.N.
As more layers of the stinking onion keeps getting peeled away from the Malheur Reservation protest and the LeVoy Finicum murder\ federal cover-up, a new document has come into my possession that make 2 points clear, and I mean Crystal Clear: Constitution-loving Americans are the real enemy, and the United Nations propaganda campaign has been deadly effective.
It’s no secret that Americans who oppose the tyrannical reign of a Constitution-hating federal government are seen as the enemy. Although the examples are copious, for brevity’s sake I am going to highlight just two. A hat-tip goes to Infowars.com for their fine work on both of the events outlined below.
Spokane Deputy Promotes MRAP for Constitutionalists
The clip below went viral and spurred numerous rallies and protests. The conclusion: Gun-loving Constitutionalists are the enemy, and giant armored trucks are needed to combat them.
The Rest…HERE