Don’t Be Distracted by the Election, This Is Your Main Danger
Dave Hodges
17 Mar, 2017
UWEX 16 will dominate our headlines come mid-November, at the latest. To some extent, the GOP Primary, as important as it is, is serving as a distraction for a much serious situation that is unfolding in Texas. It involves preparations for mass FEMA camp incarcerations, the use of slave labor in the camps and the engagement of rogue American military units identified as hostile by this current administration.
Very Few Are Paying Attention
This is the story that will get no traction. Last fall, I wrote about Jade Helm 16 and how it was going to be a more dire continuation of Jade Helm 15. In late January/early February of 2016, I wrote with great specificity regarding emerging details of Jade Helm 16, now known as Unconventional Warfare Exercise 16 (UWEX 16)-(aka Jade Helm 16). Very few took notice.
In the first week of February, I published several documents pertaining to UWEX 16, including the following advertisement for “role players” in this “drill”:
The Rest…HERE