Top Trends Forecaster Predicts the Collapse of 2016
By: Nathan McDonald
Wednesday, 16 March 2016
Global uncertainty abounds. Conflicts, depressions, crashing stock markets. This is all part of our everyday financial life, but yet the world keeps on ticking.
The banking elite have kept things together through unprecedented money printing, through shady accounting, and through sending the West deeper and deeper into debt.
Unfortunately, the crashing of oil prices was no blessing at all, but it has simply highlighted the fact that the world is terminally ill and is due for a major collapse. It has decimated whole economies, such as parts of the Unites States, Russia, and Canada that rely heavily on the commodity for survival.
We survived the 2008 crisis, although not entirely for the better. Many have to now work two jobs instead of one to maintain the same quality of living. People are being worked to the bone, just to stay afloat.
The middle class was hollowed out in the last crisis, and many survived simply from savings and are now facing a bleak and depressing retirement, if they are even able to retire at all.
The question is, what happens during the next great downturn? We can see it on the horizon and if you aren’t scared of the outcome, then you are either incredibly brave, or incredibly foolish, as the landscape of the Western World will never be the same.
Gerald Celente, one of the top trend forecasters in the world, and who accurately predicted the collapse of 2008 well in advance of it occurring, is once again sounding the alarm, along with many in the precious metals community. In a recent interview, he had the following to say:
51% of the people in the United States that are employed are earning under $30,000 a year… Less than half the population is considered middle-class in America… the gap between the rich and the poor is as bad as it was at the worst times of the Gilded Age going back over a hundred years.
So, what happens when the Panic of 2016 happens?
The Panic of ’08 helped wipe out the middle class… this is going to eliminate it to a large degree, because they’re deep in debt.
The Rest…HERE