FBI and NSA outsource their harassment of Targeted Individuals and Watchlisted Individuals to private firms
The Privatization of Government-sponsored Cyber-stalking
By XKeyscore
March 16, 2016
One of the reasons that the government is consistently “Chicken Littling” us with threats of extremism is money. Security is a multi-billion dollar revenue generator for the National Security Racketeering Network and Private Security Companies run by former ex-federal employees.
The operations of the private companies run the gamut from street-level tasking to tactical and offensive, weaponized-software deployment against innocent Americans. Now the U.S. has its own groups of militarized and federalized cyber-warriors. The most common groups are the FBI’s DITU — Data Intercept Technology Unit (run by an individual with a degree in law and psychology), the NSA of course, The NSA TAO (Tailored Access Operations), and Cyber-Command. Both the NSA and Cyber-Command are based at Fort Meade in Maryland.
Now there are a few private companies, think of Blackwater” on a cyber-level, which are also master’s of intrusion, hacking, identity theft, spoofing and 24/7 harassment of anyone who has been illegally and unconstitutionally watch-listed as a domestic threat. However NSA still has the budget, the tech-toys, the software and extra-judicial tactics which trump any of the subsequently mentioned private groups.
One of the companies which acts as a hired gun for the federal government (and thus has the luxury of operating without any oversight, is James Bimen and Associates, based in Fairfax, Virginia. This corporation is right down the street from several acronym agencies, has developed special tools for the FBI and is tasked to hack into computers and phones of watch-listed individuals (WLIs) and Targeted Individuals (TIs).
Another company which develops software being utilized for illegal cyber-intrusions, harassment and data-theft by the FBI & NSA was in part developed and sold by HT Srl (The HackingTeam) and Cicom – both based in Baltimore, Maryland. HackingTeam’s head office is located in Milan, Italy, and it is likely that Cicom is a HackingTeam front-company due to their shared location(s) and close association.
Now the HackingTeam has sold its software to oppressive regimes which commit human rights violations like North Sudan — where dissidents are harassed and killed.
The Rest…HERE