DARK Act defeated in U.S. Senate as lawmakers receive tidal wave of calls from angry food consumers who are tired of being LIED to about GMO in their food
by Mike Adams
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
The DARK Act was defeated in the U.S. Senate today, achieving a massive victory for consumers and also for the Environmental Working Group, which helped organize large-scale opposition to the bill.
The DARK Act would have outlawed state-level GMO labeling laws nationwide, condemning American food consumers to remaining completely in the dark over the genetically engineered content of their food.
Natural News thanks all our readers who took action to help defeat the DARK Act. We are fighting for your right to know what you’re eating, and with your help, we really can defeat Monsanto and its minions like Ted Cruz. (“Monsatan’s Preacher.”)
Tidal wave of calls slammed Senators nationwide
I spoke to industry insiders this morning who confirmed that the offices of many U.S. Senators were hit hard with a “tidal wave of calls” from concerned Americans. Even many Republican senators are starting to come around on this issue, and GMO labeling continues to gain steam across the country as food consumers increase their demand for honest food labels and overall food transparency.
The Rest…HERE