Broadening the Race War? Soros Creates Anti-Trump Pro-‘Illegals’ Super Pac…”Out of chaos … order. A new world order.”
March 16, 2016
George Soros Forms Pro “Illegals” Super PAC To Shift Election … Soros Dumping Millions Into Questionable Voter Influence Campaign – Illegals? … Their tools in the onslaught are what the New York Times describes as “Latinos and other immigrants.” -RickWells
Call this decade “1960’s Redux”- mostly because the men at the top want it this way.
They want continued and expanded polarization. They seek social disruption.
Out of chaos … order. A new world order.
And this is likely just what’s happening.
In several previous articles we’ve focused on Donald Trump as a mechanism of this sort of polarization.
We’ve received feedbacks from those who are upset we are not “supporting” Trump.
But DB’s main focus is tracking elite propaganda and manipulation – media campaigns that we have called “memes.”
The idea is to present information that you can use to better protect yourself. It’s there if you want to use it.
Sociopolitical, economic and military propaganda creates the basis of further action that we call “directed history.” And in this way, you are “managed” and society is steered in appropriate directions.
The Internet has made it a good deal more difficult for directed history to take place. But age-old tools of social manipulation don’t go out of date.
One tool is called the Hegelian dialectic. It employs a thesis, antithesis and synthesis.
The synthesis is key as it can be moved by those in charge of the “compromise” in any desired direction.
The Rest…HERE