Are ‘chemwebs’ proof of mass geo-engineering?
by: J. D. Heyes
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
You may have heard or read about so-called “chemtrails” being sprayed in the sky, but others have discovered evidence of chemwebs with similarly sinister origins and designs.
A video posted Feb. 7 on YouTube attempts to explain what the chemwebs are, and where they are coming from.
According to the video, which is from The HAARP Report, the webs are phthalates – molecules of various types which, when they get longer, form webs on the ground.
As to why they are in existence, the video says that phthalates are able to block UV light better than any other organic acid normally floating around in the atmosphere. They are formed in cooling jet exhaust by a “vanadium catalyst in the jet fuel,” says the video.
In explaining why the program exists, The HAARP Report referenced a 2004 scholarly paper from Norway showing that phthalic acid is better at absorbing harmful UV light in the Earth’s atmosphere. The video also cites scientific studies that indicate high exposure to phthalates by pregnant women can lower the IQ of the child, as well as having other negative health impacts.
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