The Use of Manchurian Mind-Controlled Subjects to Disrupt Trump’s Political Events
Dave Hodges
15 Mar, 2016
The behavior on display, in the above video is abhorrent at its very core. The subject is is not going change any of Trump’s followers from supporting him. So what is the purpose? What kind of person would rush the stage of a Presidential candidate’s political rally? The answer is that these are the actions of a mind-controlled Manchurian candidate. Oh I know, that many will think that this is Tin-Foil-Hat territory. That is, until people actually bother to take the time to examine the existing academic research and publications on the topic of mind control.
With this technology fully on display and the fact that the principles behind the potential use of mind controlled Manchurian candidates are well established, let’s take a look at how far this technology has evolved. After reading through this very cursory examination of mind control, it is easy to conclude that leftist liberals will increasingly rely on this approach in order to carry out their agenda to destroy Donald Trump.
Recent Developments In Mind Control