From The Editor: 3/15/2016…Yep, It’s Full…And Thank You
Hi, Troops!
Another Major News Day!
There is enough political news for 3 websites!
I still stand by my sources, that there will be no elections. 1 states. “We’ll be under Martial Law Before The Elections”
Talked to Dave Hodges day before yesterday, he is following a mathmetition PHD. who is saying the collapse will happen in Sept. Trying to get him on his show, but won’t come on. His work is online, but I have forgotten his name. Will write more after I get his name and links’
Having 4 great kids and 3 grand kids, I hope the’re both wrong!
Thanks to He Who Has No Name From Ill. for His $10 donation! Thank You!
Many Ways To Help!
You can help also by going to Numanna Storage Foods!
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Again, Tell Him Paul Martin Sent You!
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Thanks To All Who Have Donated!!
God Bless You All,