Unfolding Economic Collapse
The Daily Coin
December 25, 2015
It’s Christmas Eve and the house is quiet, for the time being. As the year comes to a close and we take a short trip down memory lane and gaze for a moment into our crystal ball, what do we see?
The unfolding economic collapse is like putting together a puzzle. You need to determine that you have all the pieces to complete the puzzle but you won’t be able to find out until you are close enough to completion to actually know if all the pieces exist. Have we reached that point? Not yet. We are moving much closer and can see more of the puzzle and more of the puzzle pieces. I believe in the first part of 2016 we will have a much clearer view of the Feds time lines and coming actions. The Fed is going to crash the system, that is the reason they exist. In one over-night “policy change” the Fed will be able to scoop up as much of the remaining individual wealth as possible. Will you be in the crosshairs or safely on the sideline preparing your next move?
The economy, by design, is sinking quickly. Will the global economy crash and burn like the U.S. economy? Europe is in equally as poor a condition as the U.S. A lot of people seem to think China is in desperate economic condition. I disagree. China has “stuff”, the Western world has paper/electronic debt and very, very little to show for the spending. China has stuff that will continue to function wether there is currency/money or not.
I recently penned “Economic Disaster” and pointed out several, undeniable, economic indicators that all point to either a massive slow down or crash in 2016. Today, I am more convinced than ever before that I will be proven correct. Once the economic cracks are beyond repair they will immediately begin erupting, assuming we are not in the middle of much larger, boarder based world war than what is currently happening. Even if the wars spread and grow larger it will not stop the economic collapse, it will merely provide better cover and provide the West with a scapegoat.
The Federal Reserve, along with their Masters, the Bank for International Settlement (BIS), have now put into motion, potentially, the final piece of the puzzle to crash the economy and steal what little wealth we have left. We had better do something today to better protect ourselves from the coming storm or we are going to awaken with everything stolen – nothing left. I mean nothing at all left – house, car, currency – everything gone. Call it what you will – “fear mongering” – it doesn’t matter to me as we have a plan and we have been working that plan for almost four years. If you can’t say the same thing, I would suggest you get busy as time is running out.
The Rest…HERE