The Kentucky “Mall Brawl” Was a Mind Control Experiment
by Dave Hodges
29 Dec, 2015
St. Matthews Mall in Kentucky became the scene of a massive series of individual brawls involving an estimated 2,000 people. The mall was forced to shut down and an overwhelming police presence had to be set up around the perimeter of the mall and they were helpless in restoring order. It was almost as if the police were not going to gain control of the scene until somebody else would relinquish control.
Police first began responding to reports of “disturbances” at 7pm ET on Saturday. But the officers assigned to the mall could not cope with the the multitude of violent acts.
Where have we seen this before? Is there something more nefarious behind this? Does this even make sense? In fact, it does make sense if you look at this event through the lens of this event being a beta test for a mind control experiment. This is the only explanation that makes any sense. This was a case of spontaneous mass insanity that suddenly ended as quickly as it began. Affer all, two thousand people did not wake up one morning, in unison, and say to themselves, “let’s go to the mall and spontaneously riot with thousands of other people”.
Predictive programming, involving Hollywood, gives us a means to examine this event from a broad brush perspective.
Another Case of Predictive Programming
There are two important New World Order messages associated with this movie called the Kingsman. First, the minions of the evil character, Richmond Valentine, are forced to accept implants. The implants control the minions by exploding for reasons related to insubordination.
Valentine, with his public persona known for philanthropy, employs the “exploding microchip technology” to control the various heads of state that he meets with. During these meetings, the heads of state are tricked into holding private meetings without security and then are covertly microchipped and they become part of Valentine’s Army in order to rule the world. Thus, the leadership of the planet is compromised through the implantation of microchips which result in the subjects being mind-controlled.
Valentine’s second part of the plot is to destroy most of humanity to prevent extreme climate change. The plan to control humanity is carried out through the much heralded giveaway of SIM cards, granting free cellular and Internet access. Much like the sheep of today, the public lines up for miles to receive the free (Obama) cell phone. However, the free SIM card is a Trojan Horse and is designed to control and ultimately destroy humanity.
After the elite are safely tucked away in a well-guarded underground facility in Sweden, Valentine unleashes his plan in which the frequency of the SIM card is changed and instantly, in every part of the planet, the people of this planet spontaneously and violently turn on each other and begin to kill one another (hence, the Kentucky mall reference).
Valentine’s plan is to allow humanity to destroy itself and when the job is complete, the elite, controlled by Valentine’s implants, will emerge from their hideaway and will be ruled by the evil madman. Thus, the world will be safe from the ravages of global warming.
The Rest…HERE