The Fed’s Academic-Based Theories Are Creating a BRUTAL Economic Reality

Monday, December 28, 2015
By Paul Martin

By: Graham Summers
Monday, 28 December 2015

One of the most frustrating aspects of today’s financial system is the fact that the Fed is being lead by lifelong academics with no real world banking or business experience.

Consider the cases of Ben Bernanke and Janet Yellen.

Neither of these individuals has ever created a job based on generating sales of any kind. Neither of them has ever had to make payroll. Neither of them has ever run a business. What are economic realities for business owners (e.g. operating costs, capital and profits) are just abstract concepts for Bernanke and Yellen.

Moreover, there is a particular problem with academic economists. That problem is that a major percentage of their “research” is total bunk made up in order to make tenure.

This is not our opinion… it is fact based on research published by the Fed itself.

According to a paper published by researchers from THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD, it was not possible to replicate even HALF of the results found in economics papers EVEN WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF THE INDIVIDUALS WHO WROTE THE PAPER.

Let’s repeat that: even with the help of those who claimed to have found the results, the results were not replicable.

There is a word for a result that is not replicable. It’s imaginary.

The Rest…HERE

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