A CSS Investigation Into Loretta Lynch Reveals Support of Terrorists, Race-Baiting and Unconstitutional Conduct
by Dave Hodges
24 Dec, 2015
In the aftermath of the San Bernardino, ISIS-inspired mass murder of 14 Americans, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, took it upon herself to violate the First Amendment of the Constitution based solely on her own authority, when she announced that her office was going to prosecute any journalist who dared to say anything critical of Muslim inspired terrorism.
Of particular interest to Lynch is her intention to prosecute journalists who dare to criticize the Refugee/Resettlement program of the Obama administration being carried out on behalf of the United Nations in which Muslims (no Christians) are admitted to the U.S. without being screened for threats to national security.
It was during this same time frame, that Doug Hagmann had a clandestine meeting with a Depart of Justice official who informed Doug that Lynch has created an entire DoJ division of over two dozen employees which is headed by an U.S. Attorney.
In short, Loretta Lynch has declared war on anybody who is critical of Obama’s immigration policies. Subsequently, I have decided to turn the table and investigate the current Attorney General. The revelations are stunning and very disturbing and point to the undeniable fact that Loretta Lynch is not fit to hold any governmental position in which there is an expectation that the U.S. Constitution is going to be upheld. Here are the results of my very cursory investigation.
Attorney General Lynch Belonged to Jew-Hating, Pro-Terrorist Harvard Group While Attending Law School
The Rest…HERE