Police Whisper Into Protesters’ Ear: “Keep On Protesting”
December 22, 2015
Former New York Times reporter Chris Hedges has previously noted that oppressive regimes fall when their soldiers stop obeying orders and start following the will of the people.
Hedges gave an example from the U.S. In 2010, Hedges, Daniel Ellsberg and 131 veterans were arrested for holding an anti-war protest in front of the White House.
Everyone was arrested, their wrists tied with plastic restraints, and hauled off to jail. So – on the surface – it looked like the police unquestioningly cracked down on the protest.
But Hedges says (in a speech broadcast on public radio station last week) that – as their wrists were being tied – the police officer whispered in the protesters ears:
“Keep protesting. Keep doing what you’re doing, because these wars stink.”
Hedges later explained that the police were vets, too. And they knew recent American wars have been fought for oil and geopolitical power … not to protect America.
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