While Obama is protected by dozens of men with guns, he can’t understand why Americans would want to protect themselves with those same guns
by: J. D. Heyes
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Have you ever noticed that some of the most vehement anti-gun people are the very same ones who are surrounded and protected by them? That would be just about everyone in the Obama administration (and most Democrats in Congress).
In recent days we’ve been forced to endure another round of indignation from President Obama and other government anti-gunners following the terrorist attack in San Bernardino, Calif. We’ve come to expect that from a president who, from the beginning of his first term, set in motion scheme after anti-gun scheme, all with the aim of hollowing out the meaning and importance of the Second Amendment.
Even an act of terrorism did not dissuade this president or those who represent him from politicizing their agenda.
As reported by Breitbart News and the Washington Times, White House spokesman Josh Earnest complained that too many Americans were flocking to gun stores in the wake of the California terrorist attack, in a nation already “awash in guns,” describing the record gun purchases as “tragic.”
“The more that we see this kind of violence on our streets, the more people go out and buy guns. That is both ironic and tragic,” he said, as if he had the moral authority to even make such a claim.
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