ISIS mock the West by unveiling its new ‘Islamic police force’ in Libya as the terror group claims to be the only ones capable of stabilising the country
ISIS in Libya release new video showing off their ‘Islamic Police’
The jihadi police force shown patrolling through the streets of Sirte
Their vehicles include blue flashing lights as they stop people at regular checkpoints
21 December 2015
ISIS have released a new propaganda video from Libya, showing off their Islamic police force patrolling around the city of Sirte.
Footage shows a unit of ISIS police, dressed in matching uniforms and driving white pick up trucks complete with their own flashing blue and white sirens.
The central Libyan city has been predominantly held by the jihadi group since June 2015 following the loss of their eastern capital, Dernah.
The propaganda video showcases ISIS’s desire to be seen as building an actual state. As the West watches on, the group focuses on expanding in Libya.
Law and order has been limited in Libya since the fall of Muammar al-Gaddafi in the Libyan revolution, leaving the country at the mercy of rival militia groups.
The video appears to show the ISIS held city is still functioning well, with civilians filmed shopping on the streets and electricity seemingly running without any problems.
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