ISIS(ICIA) plan to carry out huge synchronised attack stretching from Turkey to UK, says recruit
ISLAMIC State (ISIS) wants to carry out a massive terrorist attack involving synchronised strikes across Britain and Europe, according to a former recruit.
Sun, Dec 20, 2015
Radicals in Syria have been heard repeatedly talking about attacks in the West with recruits from Europe asked to return home to carry out deadly attacks.
A recruit, identified as Harry Sarfo, 27, spent three months in ISIS stronghold Raqqa has told security officials in Germany ISIS “want something that happens everywhere at the same time”.
Sarfo claims in an interview with German news magazine Der Spiegel, the death cult, also known as Daesh, is recruiting volunteers to carry out a deadly terror attack in Germany and hopes to carry out simultaneous attacks across Europe.
The German national claims he and a fellow radical were asked if they could imagine carrying out an attack in Germany.
On a second occasion, he says masked men drove up to him in a jeep and asked if he was interested in “bringing the jihad to his homeland”.
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