Russia Warns Of Global Chaos As Mini Ice Age Winter Arrives
by Sean Adl-Tabatabai
December 16, 2015
A report from the Kremlin warns that there is a strong likelihood of global chaos due to a severe weakening of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) that threatens a worldwide mini ice age event to kick in this winter.
According to the Ministry of Defense the world is set to experience the worst winter in modern history. reports:
Unfortunately for the Western peoples, however, in regards to the catastrophic winter dangers to come, this report says, are their government global warming alarmists blaming an El Nino event for its occurring…while at the same time refusing to tell their people about the massive cold ‘blob’ growing in the North Atlantic due to the AMOC weakening that is, in fact, what is actually to blame for what is to come..
Agreeing with Russian scientists warning of this global winter danger, this report notes, are several top climate scientists—including Stefan Rahmstorf of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Michael Mann of Penn State, who in March released their shocking report titled Exceptional Twentieth-Century Slowdown In Atlantic Ocean Overturn Circulation warning of what is to come.
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