Is psychopharmacology the scientific fraud of the century? 64% of psychology experiments can’t be reproduced
by: David Gutierrez
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
An article in the journal Science casts doubt on how seriously the findings of any one psychological or other type of scientific study should be taken. In order to contribute to an ongoing debate about the reliability of psychological research, 270 researchers on five continents repeated 100 experiments that had been published in major psychological journals in 2008.
They were only able to replicate the original experiment’s findings in 36 of 100 cases.
“The key caution that an average reader should take away is any one study is not going to be the last word,” said lead researcher Brian Nosek of the University of Virginia. “Science is a process of uncertainty reduction, and no one study is almost ever a definitive result on its own.”
Findings “disappointing”
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