‘Religious extremism’ could trigger World War III at any time, says Elon Musk
BILLIONAIRE Elon Musk – CEO of luxury electric car firm Tesla and private rocket manufacturer SpaceX – believes a third World War could erupt at any time.
Mon, Dec 14, 2015
World War III could erupt at any time, technology entrepreneur Elon Musk has claimed.
The billionaire businessman – who started SpaceX, Tesla Motors and the HyperLoop project – believes the “growth of religious extremism” could trigger a third World War.
Mr Musk has previously spoken out about the dangers of artificial intelligence and how the increasingly clever technology could spell the end of humanity.
But now the Tesla CEO believes the world could find itself locked in a nuclear World War “far worse than anything that’s happened before.”
Mr Musk believes World War III could thwart his plans to send a manned mission to Mars within the next 15 years.
He told GQ Magazine: “You know, in 1912 they were proclaiming a new age of peace and prosperity, saying that it was a golden age, war was over.
“And then you had World War I followed by World War II followed by the Cold War.
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