100 million guns now in the hands of Americans who oppose Obama and his army of brain-dead leftist zombies
by: J. D. Heyes
Monday, December 14, 2015
If you’re a fan of the hit AMC series The Walking Dead, you understand that there is a lot the show teaches in terms of how to get through a SHTF scenario.
But you also know that the show packs no small amount of symbolism – i.e. the “zombie masses” can be equated to the masses of Americans who are largely or totally reliant on government programs, systems and protection that no longer exist. After society collapses, they, en masse, form a dangerous element of existence that the remaining “live” humans must constantly battle, defend against and deal with.
You could say that the group of gun-loving, Second Amendment-supporting Americans, which, thankfully, is growing, represents the “live” humans in the series, for they have made a conscious decision not to rely on a governing system they have realized cannot – and will not, and is under no constitutional mandate to – protect them.
Record gun sales
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