Warnings Of 25 To 50 US Cities In Possible Danger Of Series Of Coordinated ISIS Attacks On Upcoming ‘Day Of Wrath’ In America
By Stefan Stanford
All News Pipeline
December 11, 2015
According to radio show host Hawk in the 1st video below and information he recently received via a source from a small to medium sized southern city’s police department briefing, 25 to 50 US cities could be on an ISIS ‘hit list’ for an upcoming ‘day of wrath’ in America. According to Hawk’s source, 3 to 5 man ISIS ‘sleeper cell teams’ may be striking at noon on December 24th in 25 to 50 different locations throughout America.
While All News Pipeline is unable to confirm the information heard in this video, we have decided to republish this as a public service announcement in hopes that an ANP reader within the law enforcement community will be able to confirm or deny this information for us. We also believe that if this information is legitimate, it’s one more sign that Americans need to be extra vigilant with their eyes and ears open this holiday season.
“Day of Wrath is the story of a coordinated multiple target terrorist attack in the United States by ISIS. It’s told through the eyes of several different people, including victims and terrorists. The main character, a teacher at the middle school his daughter attends, seems to clearly express the author’s point of view on the current state of the world.
The story goes into fairly specific detail of how the jihadists come into the country, wait for their signal, and then attack in several locations at the same time. The terrorists expect a certain response, and Americans do not disappoint them, falling right into their plans.”
Several recent events lead us to believe that the information contained herein is legitimate including reports of dozens of stolen propane tanks along with mass purchases of cell phones in Missouri as shared in the 2nd video below from Spiro and a warning from Enrique Martinez, the Muslim man who purchased the weaponry used in San Bernardino, to friends where he worked not long ago.:
“He would say stuff like: ‘There’s so much going on. There’s so many sleeper cells, so many people just waiting. When it happens, it’s going to be big. Watch!”
The Rest…HERE