“UNconventional Grey” geoengineering and the climate change agenda
By Michael Murphy
Dec. 11, 2015
We are in a critical time in our efforts to stop geoengineering. I am writing to express my insights about the critical time that we are in terms of stopping geoengineering. As many of you are aware, the Paris Climate Agreement ending mid December 2015 is expected to circumvent laws around the world and allow an unelected body (IPCC/UN) to micro manage our lives based on the idea that CO2 is the cause of climate change. While we do not argue whether the planet is warming or cooling, we do make a strong statement that because geoengineering programs have been ongoing for several years and are designed to change the temperature of our planet and manipulate our weather it makes it impossible to determine whether the planet is warming or cooling.
Why is this important????
It is extremely important because geoengineering (a major factor in climate change) has been left out of models. This makes all climate models flawed and fraudulent by those who are in the know. Because of this, it is not legal to move forward with taxation without representation, mandates and the framework to legalize geoengineering without our input and the input of our legislators.
Our goals in “An UNConventional Shade of Grey”
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