Fund Manager Warns Credit Markets Are Starting To Collapse: “Something Blew Up”

Friday, December 11, 2015
By Paul Martin
December 11, 2015

It’s become glaringly apparent that the credit markets are starting to collapse behind the proverbial “curtain.” Several analysts point to the Merrill Lynch triple-C junk bond yield index and remark that “something” blew up:

Submitted by PM Fund Manager Dave Kranzler, Investment Research Dynamics:

I kind of wish Alan Greenspan were still the FOMC Chairman. He makes a great “Wizard” figure. Bernanke looks more like an unethical elf – a spineless pansy who couldn’t bluff his way out of a paper bag but viciously vindictive when no one can see him. And Janet Yellen…well, she just looks like Aunt Bea on the Andy Griffith show, only with a much lower IQ.

I mention this because it’s become glaringly apparent that the credit markets are starting to collapse behind the proverbial “curtain.” Several analysts point to the Merrill Lynch triple-C junk bond yield index and remark that “something” blew up:

The Rest…HERE

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