Fund Manager Warns Credit Markets Are Starting To Collapse: “Something Blew Up”
December 11, 2015
It’s become glaringly apparent that the credit markets are starting to collapse behind the proverbial “curtain.” Several analysts point to the Merrill Lynch triple-C junk bond yield index and remark that “something” blew up:
Submitted by PM Fund Manager Dave Kranzler, Investment Research Dynamics:
I kind of wish Alan Greenspan were still the FOMC Chairman. He makes a great “Wizard” figure. Bernanke looks more like an unethical elf – a spineless pansy who couldn’t bluff his way out of a paper bag but viciously vindictive when no one can see him. And Janet Yellen…well, she just looks like Aunt Bea on the Andy Griffith show, only with a much lower IQ.
I mention this because it’s become glaringly apparent that the credit markets are starting to collapse behind the proverbial “curtain.” Several analysts point to the Merrill Lynch triple-C junk bond yield index and remark that “something” blew up:
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