Ban Trump? Media Ignores ‘Stop All Immigration’ Petition With 450,000 Signatures
While giving anti-Trump petition blanket coverage
Paul Joseph Watson
December 11, 2015
While a petition to ban Donald Trump from the United Kingdom over his comments on Muslim immigration has received blanket media coverage, another petition to “stop all immigration” to the UK, signed by nearly 450,000 people, has been ignored.
The ‘ban Trump’ petition, which currently has over 500,000 signatures, has been the subject of intense press coverage all week, with constant updates each time the signature count rises.
However, a petition to “stop all immigration and close the UK borders until ISIS is defeated,” which was started back in September and garnered over 447,000 supporters, received comparatively little attention.
Controversial commentator Katie Hopkins drew attention to the ‘stop all immigration” petition, noting that the BBC had failed to report on it.
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