Poll: Most Voters In US Agree With Trump On Muslim Ban
Majority of Americans have a negative view of Islam
Steve Watson
December 8, 2015
A new Rasmussen survey indicates that most likely voters agree with GOP front runner Donald Trump that a temporary ban on Muslim immigrants and travelers should be imposed.
The survey found that a large majority of Republicans, two thirds, agree with Trump, while a plurality of all voters agree with Trump’s proposal.
Among all voters, 46 percent favor a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States, while 40 percent are opposed. A further fourteen percent declared that they are undecided.
Among Republicans, 66 percent say they favour Trump’s idea, while only 24 percent oppose the plan, with 10 percent undecided.
The numbers dovetail with other polls conducted by Bloomberg Politics and The Washington Post, which found support for Trump on the matter.
A new YouGov/Huffpost poll also discovered that a majority of Americans have a negative view of Islam after the terrorist attacks in Paris and California.
The survey found that only 27 percent of Democrats have a favorable opinion of Islam, while just 11 percent of Republicans and 15 percent of Independents said the same.
Before the shooting attack in San Bernardino, Trump indicated that he supported the idea of a database to track Muslims in the US. After the shooting Trump also declared that a moratorium was needed until the those coming into the country could be properly vetted.
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