This West Point Instructor Just Issued A Call To The Military To Overthrow The Obama Regime…
by Voice of Reason
Dec. 9, 2015
Who can blame a West Point instructor, a man of honor who has served his nation faithfully, for suggesting in a law review article that the military should overthrow the treasonous Obama, and put him where he belongs: In Leavenworth, awaiting a trial for treason, where if convicted, he can pick between the gallows or a firing squad? It’s not like there isn’t support for the idea among every day Americans either.
In a recent poll, 1/3 of Americans Said They Would Support Military Coup of the Obama Administration. That doesn’t even include the millions who have no idea the extent of the President’s treachery because the mainstream media is in lock step with him, and constantly provides him with cover. If the American people knew that a Top Obama Appointee (Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency), Said “The President Knowingly and Willingly Armed ISIS,” how many more would agree? What if they knew a Four Star Admiral with intimate details of Benghazi accused Obama of Treason, Colluding With the Enemy, and Providing the Enemy with Stinger Missiles? Then there’s also a Lieutenant General who has accused Obama of Treason saying he’s allowed the Muslim Brotherhood to infect every level of government, and then what if the American people heard what a former CIA Director, and a former Assistant Director of the FBI had to say about Obama? I bet that 1/3 of Americans would be closer to 2/3 of Americans. Why? Those are some very credible sources who have come forward but conveniently been covered up by Obama’s Crime Inc., and the media.
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